Common Mistakes #1: Things to Avoid When Dealing with Dog Cancer [MP3]

Ask Dr. Dressler: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with Dog Cancer

The bottom line is this: there is no “one single cure” for the cancer. The complexity of treating your dog with cancer -- and the many unknowns involved, can be confusing and overwhelming. That’s why it can be a relief to know what NOT to do. It’s difficult to know what to do when your dog has cancer.

In this seminar, Dr. Dressler addresses a wide range of topics that can help you and your dog. He also takes questions from readers.

Seminar Details

01:55 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Common mistakes about Mast Cell Tumors: pronunciation, where they’re located, how they affect the body, and uncommon treatment methods for MCT, and side effect management.

11:43 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Not using anti-depressants in dog’s with cancer—medications, mind-body strategies, play dates and exercise, and not considering your dog’s diet and its role in cancer development and prevention.

18:51 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Jumping into surgery too soon without taking all of the factors into consideration—cancer type, spread, location, budget and finances, and other treatment options.

26:33 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s questions on liver values, glucose levels, steroids, Apocaps, and the Dog Cancer Diet.

32:23 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Mammary cancer in dogs—location, spaying, statistics, causes, examining your dog, treatment options, and diet.

45:05 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on interpreting pathology reports and diagnosis.

54:45 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on amputation, surgery, and side effects.

59:51 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Melanoma’s, the melanoma vaccine, the impact of diet and flax, commercial foods, and understanding that there is no miracle cure for cancer.

67:21 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Not looking at the bigger picture and using all of the tools in your toolbox.

68:17 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on sugar and the Dog Cancer Diet.

73:27 Dr. Demian Dressler:

How Apocaps and EverPup came into fruition.

Download Seminar Details for Common Mistakes #1: Things to Avoid When Dealing with Dog Cancer