Books and audio files are large, and we cannot attach them to emails. That's why we use a digital file delivery service that is both secure and safe. Here's how to download your purchase from, our partner service.
Immediately after you place your order for a downloadable digital book or audio file, you will see your order confirmation page, with a link to your unique download page on
You will also get an email from with your unique download URL. That email is sent immediately, so you should receive it right after you make your purchase. (Check your junk folder if you don't see it!) Please save that email, because if you ever need to redownload your purchase, that's where you will do it. Your URL will never change.
To download your purchase, click through to your unique URL from either your order confirmation page or the Sendowl email.
You will see all of your digital purchases on your download page. Under each purchase, you will see a note about how many downloads are remaining for that file. You get three to start, and if you need more, you can always request more (see below).
Note: you will NOT see a record of any physical books or CDs you purchased. This URL is just for digital downloads.
Click "download" next to each file to start downloading your file. Note: The "download all" option is also available, although some readers report that using that button results in multiple downloads that use up all three attempts at once.
Your browser will download the file to your device, or computer. It will save the file in whatever file folder you normally save downloads.
Once the file is fully downloaded, you may open the file.
If you are opening a PDF, you can use any PDF reader or get one for free from
If you are opening an MP3 file, you can listen using any native player on your computer or device. (Apple users may need to get a separate app.)
Here's a quick video showing you how the process works:
You will be given an opportunity to download your digital goods immediately after checkout. We will also immediately send you an email with a link to your own unique download URL.
If you are using a non-Apple device, you can download the same way you would any other digital purchase. PDF files will automatically open in your native PDF reader (or you can get a separate app that reads PDFs).
MP3 files should play in your native music app or the music app of your choice.
Apple devices handle digital downloads differently than non-Apple devices.
PDF Files
Apple devices do not automatically save downloaded PDF files unless you open the file in the native iBooks app. If you are downloading a PDF file to your iPhone or iPad, make sure to "open in iBooks" in order to save the file to your device. Otherwise, once you close out of the file, you will not be able to get it back without re-downloading it. Here is a link to a support discussion: https: //'
MP3 Files
As for mp3 files, Apple doesn't have a player in which you can automatically play this popular file type.
You can either use an app in the iTunes store, or download the mp3's to your iTunes on your computer, and then sync to your iPad. Another easy way to do this is to use Dropbox, which will create a folder for you that you can access on any device, any time. If you store mp3's in a dropbox folder, you can listen to them any time on your iPad. (There's a link to Dropbox on your sendowl download link.)
Here's a link to one of the MP3 players on iTunes:
Here's a discussion about saving MP3's on Apple's forums:
Here's a link to Dropbox on iTunes:
Our download service requires us to limit the number of times a file can be downloaded to three. This is for your digital safety as well as ours.
But don't worry! If you have reached your download limit, we will reset it for you ASAP. Just send us an email with your order number in it and tell us you need more downloads. Or better yet, respond to your order confirmation email with a quick note.
It just takes a few seconds for us to reset your downloads so you can download again.
If you ever lose your file or switch devices, and need more downloads, no worries -- just email us and let us know and we'll be happy to reset your downloads.
If you have lost your email with your download link, please click here to recover your download links and enter your email address on that page. You will receive an email for each transaction you made from our store including the link to download your digital file(s). If you have any trouble, please let us know and we will find your download link for you.
Have questions? Contact Us!