The Dog Cancer Diet eBook (PDF)

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If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, he or she needs to start eating a special diet right away. The Dog Cancer Diet is a special, must-read publication in eBook form that walks you step-by-step from understanding what your dog should eat to making a delicious, home-cooked, cancer-fighting meal your dog will think is a treat. Recipes included!

Information You Can Use Immediately -- Excerpted from The Dog Cancer Survival Guide -- Extremely Important Information!!

This eBook is an excerpt of the full length book The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, with information about one of the most important cancer treatments of all: Diet. You can start helping your dog with his or her next meal, just with the information you find in this report. 

In The Dog Cancer Diet, you will learn about:

  • How to help your dog fight cancer with food
  • Commercial Dog Foods & Cancer-Causing Carcinogens
  • Water Quality & Cancer
  • Why Grains & Sugars are Bad for Dogs with Cancer
  • A few of the Important Dietary Supplements to Help Dogs with Cancer 

The right foods--many of which you probably have in your home right now -- can be powerful weapons for a dog with cancer. Putting your dog on the diet described in The Dog Cancer Diet will accomplish two things:

  1. Fight Cancer - while no food is a "miracle cure," there are some that "go after" cancer tumors.
  2. Support Immune Response - foods that boost your dog's immune system help your dog's natural defense system.

The Dog Cancer Diet contains cutting edge information from one of the leading authorities on dog cancer and full spectrum canine cancer care. 

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About the Author

Dr. Demian DresslerDr. Demian Dressler (aka "the dog cancer vet") is the author of the book The Dog Cancer Survival Guide:  Full Spectrum Treatments to Optimize Your Dog's Life Quality and Longevity. and the popular blog Thousands of dog lovers and veterinary professionals rely on Dr. Dressler for the complete, timely information on dog cancer.

This ebook, which is an excerpt of chapters 6 and 14 of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, will help you help your dog, right now, at his or her next. meal.